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Numerology is the study of numbers and their influence on a person’s life, and the belief that numbers have a deeper meaning than their numerical value. Everything can be expressed in numerical terms, and those numbers can reveal a person’s true nature, future, and life purpose. Numerology is often associated with astrology and is based on the teachings of Pythagoras, an ancient Greek mathematician who believed that the physical world was made up of the energetic vibrations of numbers.
Your Life Path number represents who you are at your core, the person you are spending this lifetime learning to become. It is derived from the numbers of your birth date and influences you your entire life. Your life path number provides essential information about your core traits, personality, and values.
While there may be different methods showing how to calculate Life Path numbers, there is only one correct way to find your Life Path number. First you must reduce each of the three parts of your birthday to a single digit or Master Number, then add up those digits to find your Life Path number.
Like astrology, numerology can provide insights into your compatibility with another person. By knowing the life path number of both you and your partner, you can analyze your long-term compatibility. As you learn more about the life path numbers, you can probably guess how some numbers are more compatible than others. For example, someone who's independent, such as a life path of a one, may feel stifled by the stability of someone with a life path of a four. In contrast, a one may feel drawn to the adventurous spirit of a life path of a five. While other factors certainly go into finding your soulmate, your respective life path numbers can shed valuable light on your numerological compatibility.